Luxury Diamond Wedding Rings For Men

Diamond RingsLuxury Diamond Wedding Rings For Men

Dowry or wedding or gold wedding ring is a treasure given by the groom (or his family) to the bride (or family of the bride) at the time of marriage. The same term is also used instead if the giver of dowry is a party or the bride's family. In anthropology, dowries are often described as another form of purchase and sale transactions as a compensation for the losses suffered by the woman's family for losing some of the supporting factors such as loss of family labor, and reduced fertility rates in the group.

In Indonesia, the term dowry is not only used in limited to marriage. Adherents understand mysticism sometimes use the same term in the process of transfer of ownership rights over the objects believed to have certain powers such as kris, agate, and other objects. Mahar also sometimes interpreted as a substitute for the cost of compensation to the process of teaching science or magical power of a teacher to others.but we are showing the work beyond the mystical yet modern and acceptable to all communities.

Diamond Rings

Diamond Rings


Unknown said...

Men like to wear simple and sober ring just likely shown in this blog , men rings are symbol of commitment, a bond, a promise, it symbolized the end of ones loneliness, most likely men wear only wedding rings.diamond rings for men

RockRushIndia said...

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