Diamond Wedding Ring Moissanite

Diamond RingsDiamond Wedding Ring Moissanite

Moissanite originally referred to a rare mineral discovered by Henri Moissan having a chemical formula SiC and various crystalline polymorphs. Earlier this material had been synthesized in the laboratory and named silicon carbide.

Until the 1950s no other source, apart from meteorites, had been encountered. Later moissanite was found as inclusion in kimberlite from a diamond mine in Yakutia in 1959, and in the Green River Formation in Wyoming in 1958. The existence of moissanite in nature was questioned even in 1986 by Charles Milton, an American geologist.

Moissanite, in its natural form, is very rare. It has only been discovered in a small variety of places from upper mantle rock to meteorites. Discoveries have shown that moissanite occurs naturally as inclusions in diamonds, xenoliths, and ultramafic rocks such as kimberlite and lamproite.They have also been identified in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites as presolar grains.

Moissanite is very suitable to be used as a ring, especially a wedding ring because the stones Moissanite is a very luxurious, so for the pair is perfect for lively semati bind themselves through Moissanite wedding ring

Diamond Rings

Diamond Rings


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